China Studies Program

The China Studies Review (CSR) is a publication of the China Studies Program at the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). CSR publishes interdisciplinary work by graduate students conducting research on China, including history, political science, economics, policy, and area studies projects.


Recent Submissions

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    China Studies Review
    (Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, China Studies Program, 2019) Boone, Sam; Chiu, Dominic; Garrahan, Kevin; Hart, Brian; Sutherland, Michael; Woods, Anna; Zhou, Shangsi; Garcia, Naomi; Vaselaar, Rona; Morris, Jake; Osuobeni, Tarela; Wu, Qiang; Freeman, Carla; Ross, Madelyn
    Our edition begins with Shangsi Zhou’s exploration of the unconventional growth of market capitalism in China’s state-governed economy. Her essay is followed by Sam Boone’s timely review of China’s relationship with the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), reflecting on the ways in which China uses international organizations to fulfill domestic goals. The next article is Dominic Chiu’s review of the inefficiency of China’s state sector and the inherent difficulties that exist in reforming state-owned enterprises. The fourth entry is Anna Woods’ examination of China’s growing food insecurity and the ways in which China leverages international organizations and multilateral relationships in attempts to mitigate future shortages. Her work is followed by Brian Hart’s research regarding technological innovation in China in terms of strategic military development, and how this impacts U.S.-China technological competition. Next, Kevin Garrahan examines China’s path to becoming a world leader of innovation, and the challenges presented by China’s current economic structure to this transition. Finally, Michael Sutherland concludes this edition with his review of China’s transition from a “standards taker” to an international “standards maker,” and what this means for international governance organizations.
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    China Studies Review
    (Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, China Studies Program, 2020) Parker, Hope; Chen, Hao; Conrad, Jennifer; Wu, Qiang; Lin, Hongyi; Colella, Mario; Jones, Matthew; Becker, Laura; Lu, Yang; Qi, Yiyuan; Chen, Hao; Negus, Olivia; Long, Shuyi; Lee, Karen; Freeman, Carla; Ross, Madelyn
    It has never been more important to understand China than now; in the sixth volume of the China Studies Review, our unified analysis of China as a global force gives us the capacity to do so. Understanding China as a major power means having a clear grasp of the dynamics that have shaped the country, to better comprehend the prism through which Chinese policymakers see the international sphere. To this end, we hope to shed light upon China as a global actor through multiple lenses: qualitative evaluation and quantitative analysis play a vital part in our interpretation of China’s key actions abroad, as do articles focused on the distant past and the present day. Hope Parker’s “Two Paths to the Arctic” begins our volume with a comparative study of China and Japan in the Artic Ocean. The divergent approaches taken by these countries in both multilateral forums and direct interactions with Arctic nations show striking differences, deeply influencing China and Japan’s reception within the area. Hao Chen’s “The Failed Alliance in Non-Communist Asia” is an historical analysis of the highest quality, arguing for a new interpretation of Cold War historiography. Hao argues that a full consideration of this time period requires us to go beyond simple U.S./Soviet dichotomies; his presentation of the failed alliance between the Republic of China and the Republic of Korea epitomizes this approach. In Jennifer Conrad’s “The Role of Sanctions in U.S.-China Economic Competition”, we find a clear-eyed presentation of the impact of sanctions on the People’s Republic of China, focusing particularly upon the role of the United States and the case of Huawei Technologies. Qiang Wu’s “China’s Use of Trade Retaliation in Territorial Disputes” looks at trade patterns through a different lens—he uses sophisticated econometric analysis to consider the impact of Chinese diplomatic confrontations on its trade with neighboring countries. Wu presents a surprising conclusion within his four case studies; hostile rhetoric has essentially no impact on affected trade. Finally, Hongyi Lin’s “Between Harmony and Chaos: An Analysis of Grand Strategy in the Ming Dynasty” provides a compelling framework for understanding the international relations of Imperial China, and supports his argument that China cannot be understood without the best of international and Chinese theoretical approaches-- a valid insight today.
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    China Studies Review
    (Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, China Studies Program, 2018) Flores, Christian; Rice, Daniel; Walsh, John; Wu, Shan; Xian, Rachel; Zhang, Hao; Schut, Kyle; Brown, Clarise; Jeong, Byeong-Jin; Benitez, Gillea; Yang, Jianyu; Sutherland, Michael; Trang, Eddy; Freeman, Carla; Ross, Madelyn
    As China’s economic development and increasingly assertive stance in the global arena reverberates both within and outside its borders, we are thrilled to present the fourth edition of the SAIS China Studies Review as a vehicle to increase understanding of both the challenges and opportunities in an ever-evolving China. The first section of this volume examines China’s expanding role in global governance. Hao Zhang’s piece takes stock of China’s norm-setting tendencies on the world stage, and Christian Flores looks at Myanmar as a case study for how the U.S. and China follow different patterns in their treatment of smaller states. Shan Wu’s piece on China’s policy-making regarding North Korea concludes this section. The second set of articles reviews developments in China’s military and aerospace fields. John Walsh’s policy brief on the Wenchang Spacecraft Site provides an overview of the site and its significance to China’s broader aerospace goals. Rachel Xian examines China’ nuclear force and its modernization, and Daniel Rice compares Chinese and American actions in Afghanistan. The issue concludes with SAIS China Studies Review’s interview of esteemed SAIS China Studies Professor David M. Lampton about his observations of China throughout his storied career.
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    China Studies Review
    (Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, China Studies Program, 2017) Collins-Chase, Ned; Van Gilder, Amanda; Li, Miaosu; Pollok, Benjamin; Yi, Minh Joo; Malden, Kaj; Lee, Adam; Connely-Kanmaz, Christina; Keyserling, Alex; Schut, Kyle; Yi, Minh Joo; Zhang, Yuqian
    The first section of this issue features two brief issue papers. Ned Collins-Chase examines the Qianhai Free Trade Zone and considers its prospects as a tool for Chinese capital account liberalization. Minh Joo Yi surveys China’s foreign policy calculus under Presi-dent Xi Jinping and notes Beijing’s growing assertiveness in foreign affairs. In the second section of this issue, we pres-ent three research articles spanning China’s environment, nuclear weapons strategy, and economy. Miaosu Li analyzes a little understood aspect of China’s wind energy development - the associated environmen-tal costs of rare-earth metal processing - and calls for a more nuanced assessment of Chinese energy policy and implemen-tation. Amanda Van Gilder provides a comprehensive analysis of the nuclear bal-ance between the United States and China. She concludes that while the United States will maintain nuclear superiority for the next one to two decades, the gap will close as China gradually attains doctrinal and tech-nological parity. Benjamin Pollok compares the homeward investment patterns of the diaspora populations of China and India. Pollok attributes China’s greater success in attracting this investment to its active dias-pora engagement policies — a strategy not yet meaningfully pursued by India.
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    China Studies Review
    (Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, China Studies Program, 2016) Pollok, Benjamin; Zhang, Cheng; Dalton, Adrienne; Bund, Jakob; Lozada, Patrick; Rubin, David; Kim, Peter C.Y.; Luo, Shuxian; Kung, Winston; Lynch, Natalie
    In our first section, we introduce three short pieces that examine important issues in U.S.-China investment relations, public opinion in China and Japan, and the Hong Kong pro-democracy move-ment. Benjamin Pollock examines the progression of negotiations between the United States and China in adopting a high-quality bilateral investment treaty. Cheng Zhang uses data from Genron to understand the reasons behind mutual dis-trust between China and Japan. Adrienne Dalton looks at the role of Hong Kong triads in the suppression of the 2014 Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrations. Our second section features six research articles covering a wide range of topics. Jakob Bund explores U.S.-China relations in cyberspace and provides an alternative framework by which the two countries can cooperate in the absence of trust. Patrick Lozada discusses China’s “creative indus-tries”, and the shortcomings of China’s creative special economic zones in foster-ing an innovation economy. David Rubin builds upon Bruce Gilley’s spectrum of democratic and authoritarian environ-mentalism and finds that in the context of environmental policymaking, China is transitioning towards more inclusivity and grassroots engagement. Peter Kim also examines China’s environmental policy and uses dust and sandstorms, also known as “yellow dust”, to examine the challenges and opportunities for environmental coop-eration in Northeast Asia. Shuxian Luo conducts a comparative analysis of China and India’s naval modernization efforts, noting that while China’s rapid economic development has spurred its naval modern-ization at a more rapid pace, there are other important elements such as differing threat perceptions and alliance options that help to explain India’s relative lag in naval mod-ernization. Finally, Winston Kung presents a Taiwan Straits crisis scenario analysis that examines the legal, diplomatic, strategic, and domestic opinion factors that would likely affect a U.S. response, concluding that U.S. diplomatic and military leverage would eventually lead China and Taiwan to de-escalate tensions in the region.
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    China Studies Review
    (Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, China Studies Program, 2014)
    This inaugural issue of China Studies Review is dedicated to environmental regulation and politics. Tremayne Gibson examines the development of Beijing's nuclear policy and finds that the benefits of nuclear power are married to a weak regulatory structure, the vulnerability of inland nuclear plans to natural disasters, and inadequate policy coordination, which cloud the future of nuclear energy in China. Bo Li looks at the role of the cadre evaluation system in environmental management. Applying studies in Chinese bureaucracy, Li investigates the influences of top-down assignments and bottom-up local autonomy on the effectiveness of environmenal policies. And finally, Ilaria Mozzocco compares emission trading systems in China and the European Union, identifying lessons for related laws and policies moving forward. She highlights a lack of central planning as the foremost challenge to the long-term success of cap and trade programs.